
圣靈銀行危機引發全球市場震蕩 葡萄牙努力平息風波
2014-07-14    作者:周武英/編譯    來源:經濟參考報

    Portugal’s Banco Espirito Santo SA jolted global markets when a parent company missed short-term debt payments. The events are triggering turmoil in debt markets from London to New York,renewing concern the financial system remains vulnerable six years after central banks began flooding their economies with cheap cash to break free from the global credit crisis. The same policy makers that helped drive bond yields to unprecedented lows,have warned investors are becoming too complacent about risks.

  BES was the only one of the top listed banks in Portugal not to receive an injection of state capital during the country’s sovereign debt crisis. Banco Espirito Santo has been under scrutiny for weeks after reporting“material irregularities”at a holding company of the Espirito Santo family,which founded the bank in the 19th Century.

  Doubts about the financial health of the family who controls the bank, Banco Espirito Santo,had pulled Portugal’s PSI share index to a nine-month low on Thursday.

  Government borrowing costs fell to an eight-year low of 3.58% in April this year,but worries surrounding BES and the health of the country’s financial sector pushed these back up towards 4% on Thursday.

  Banco Espirito Santo said late Thursday it has a 2.1 billion-euro cash cushion which is enough to cover its exposure to other Espirito Santo group companies and keep it within regulatory requirements. However,trading in the bank’s shares on the Lisbon stock exchange remained suspended for a second day Friday after they fell more than 17 percent the previous day.
  在周四晚些時候圣靈銀行稱,該行有21億歐元的現金儲備足以應對其他圣靈集團企業的頭寸,保證其能達到監管要求。不過,里斯本股票交易所該行股票周五仍然暫停交易,而前一天這支股票下跌超過17%。(the africom網站)

  Under pressure to clarify its position and stop the situation spiraling out of control,BES released a statement in the early hours of Friday saying that it had exposures worth 1.15 billion euros and believed it had enough reserves to absorb any losses.

  Portuguese Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho on Friday ruled out state aid for the country’s biggest bank BES.“There is no reason for the state to intervene in a bank which has solid capital and which has a comfortable margin to deal with any eventuality,even the most adverse,”he told reporters.

  Portugal’s central bank also weighed in today,stressing that “depositors may rest assured.”

  Moody’s Investors Service said it had cut the long-term debt ratings of BES to“B3”from“Ba3”and the long-term deposit ratings to “B2”from“Ba3,”and it was on review for downgrade.

  Further detail on BES’s financial situation will be given on July 25 when the bank releases its half-year results. Shareholders will meet six days later to vote on a new chief executive and new directors,after family members said they would step down from the bank’s 25-man board.

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