
2014-04-22   作者:周武英/編譯  來(lái)源:經(jīng)濟(jì)參考報(bào)

  For years,China has been a key sales and profit region for global giants such as Volkswagen AG,General Motors Co. and Toyota Motor Corp. as demand slowed elsewhere.

  In the first quarter of this year passenger vehicle sales in China rose 10.1 per cent to 4.9m units,including a monthly record of 1.85m units in January,a figure that exceeded the 1.8m passenger vehicles sold over the whole of last year in India,Asia’s third-largest economy. 

  Automaker Fiat-Chrysler said on Saturday that it would begin producing the iconic American brand Jeep in China from 2015 to meet demand in the world’s largest car market.

  Honda Motor Co. aims to unveil a new Fit sedan with a price tag beginning at 70,000 yuan($11,272).

  The new Honda Fit will be launched on the Chinese car market in the second half of the year. The Honda Fit is manufactured in China by the Guangzhou-Honda joint venture.

  GM plans to release a sleeker Chevrolet Cruze with smaller engines to meet China’s call for energy efficiency.

  Far from the recall scandal that has erupted in GM’s home market,the US automaker expects to sell its one millionth vehicle in China this year during the show.That puts GM on track to comfortably exceed the 3.2m passenger vehicles its joint ventures sold last year in China,GM’s biggest market accounting for about a third of total sales. Analysts at Morgan Stanley estimate that joint-venture dividends and royalties from China contribute almost 60 per cent of GM’s free cash flow.

  Volkswagen,the largest car maker in China by volume,will unveil five models,including a 40th anniversary edition of its Golf tailored for Chinese consumers by its joint venture with FAW Group Corp.

  At the end of last year,Chinese-brand passenger sedans commanded 27.5 per cent of the market,according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers,with German sedans in second taking 24.3 per cent. Just three months later,German sedans lead with 27.1 per cent compared with 23.7 per cent for their Chinese rivals.



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