
2014-08-11    作者:周武英/編譯    來源:經(jīng)濟(jì)參考報(bào)

  A STATE of international emergency has been declared over the ebola outbreak that has killed almost 1000 people in west Africa as infection control measures fail to tame the virus. The World Health Organisation (WHO) says that the outbreak is an “extraordinary event” which could threaten the world and has demanded that international efforts be stepped up.

  The UN health agency today began an emergency meeting of international medical and health experts in Geneva to review the current Ebola virus disease outbreak in West Africa amid reports that new cases and deaths continue to be reported in Guinea, Liberia,Nigeria,and Sierra Leone.Speaking earlier to UN Radio, WHO spokesperson Fadela Chaib, said more cases were being discovered every day and thus far, the chain of transmission has not been broken.
  報(bào)告顯示,在圭亞那、利比里亞、尼日利亞和塞拉利昂等國持續(xù)有新的發(fā)生和死亡案例出現(xiàn),聯(lián)合國衛(wèi)生機(jī)構(gòu)在日內(nèi)瓦召開關(guān)于國際醫(yī)藥和衛(wèi)生專家的緊急會(huì)議,檢討當(dāng)前在西非爆發(fā)的埃博拉疫情。世界衛(wèi)生組織發(fā)言人Fadela Chaib早些時(shí)候?qū)β?lián)合國廣播臺(tái)表示,每天都有更多的案例被發(fā)現(xiàn),迄今為止傳導(dǎo)鏈仍未被截?cái)唷?/FONT>(Allafrica 網(wǎng)站)

  The WHO has said that particularly in Liberia, health officials face community resistance from residents who fear going to the hospital and secretly care for ill loved ones at home. Ebola is transmitted only through direct contact with the blood and other bodily fluids of someone who is sick.

  Barack Obama has said a global effort is required to combat the spread of Ebola which he blamed on weak and overwhelmed health systems in west Africa.But the president said it was too early to decide whether an experimental drug given to an American health worker who contracted Ebola and has been flown back to the US could be distributed in Africa.

  The drug, known as ZMapp, was used to treat Dr. Kent Brantly and Nancy Writebol . Liberia’s Chief Medical Officer, Bernice Dahn, told The Wall Street Journal that use of the drug would have had to be approved by the Ethical Committee of the country‘s Ministry of Health. Dr. Dahn told the paper that she wasn’t aware that the committee had approved or denied permission for the use of ZMapp. 

  The World Health Organisation has urged nations to donate money and resources to stop the spread of ebola. USAID said it would invest $12.45m to support the fight.

  The EU Commission announced it had earmarked another 8 million euros (10.7 million dollars) to help humanitarian groups and UN agencies that are active in the region. The World Bank pledged up to 200 million dollars in emergency funding this week to help Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, the countries that have been hit the hardest by the epidemic.

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