
2014-03-24   作者:周武英/編譯  來源:經(jīng)濟(jì)參考報(bào)

  Technology companies have spent months denying they know anything about broad government spying on people who use their Internet services. But a legal case filed this week against a former Microsoft employee shows the power these companies themselves have to snoop on their customers whenever they want to.

  Microsoft admitted in federal court documents that it forced its way into a blogger’s Hotmail account to track down and stop a potentially catastrophic leak of sensitive software. The company says its decision is justified.

  The concession marked one of the most damaging privacy gaffes to hit a leading US technology company since revelations in 2013 that the country’s National Security Agency had been spying on their users.

  The software giant accessed the blogger’s Microsoft-operated Hotmail and message accounts, according to a story by The New York Times, which also said such a move “without a court order was highly unusual and raises questions about its protections for customer data.
  據(jù)《紐約時(shí)報(bào)》報(bào)道,這家軟件公司進(jìn)入了由微軟運(yùn)營的博客用戶的hotmail郵箱和信息賬戶。報(bào)道還說,這種沒有法庭許可的行動(dòng)十分不尋常,并引發(fā)了保護(hù)用戶數(shù)據(jù)的疑問。(The Oregonian網(wǎng)站)

  Microsoft initially released a statement claiming that, although it did not have a court order to conduct the search, it had good reason to believe the blogger had received the code. It added that it searched users’ email accounts “only in the most exceptional circumstances”. Soon after, however, it released a second statement outlining new steps to reassure users it would not spy on their private communications.

  In addition to using separate teams for legal review and internal investigations, the company plans to send the evidence that it believes would otherwise justify a court order to an outside attorney who used to be a judge.

  The company also plans to start including data about the number of internal searches and the number of accounts they affected in its bi-annual transparency reports that currently include data on searches conducted in response to government and court orders.

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