
2012-08-20   作者:周武英/編譯  來源:經(jīng)濟參考報


  Federal and state prosecutors are investigating Deutsche Bank and several other global banks over accusations that they funneled billions of dollars through their American branches for Iran,Sudan and other sanctioned nations,according to law enforcement officials with knowledge of the cases.

  The report of the Deutsche Bankprobe came days after a settlement for $340 million with New York‘s banking regulator and Britain’s Standard Chartered Plc  The Manhattan District Attorney and federal authorities have not yet settled their probes of the bank.

  But the recent clash between New York’s top banking regulator and federal authorities over how to handle a similar case against the British bank Standard Chartered could complicate the investigations.

  Since 2009 the Manhattan district attorney,treasury department,justice department and other agencies have entered into settlements with a handful of foreign banks including Credit Suisse,Lloyds and most recently ING,totaling roughly $1.8 billion.

  The investigation into Deutsche Bank is still in its very early stages,according to the law enforcement officials. So far,there is no suspicion that the bank moved money on behalf of Iranian clients through its American operations after 2008,the officials said.

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